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Trouble In Lumpy SpaceAdventure Time : Season 1...

Finn the Human is a human boy who loves nothing more than going on adventures and saving the day. He wears a hat that covers his extremely long flowing yellow hair.[3] He is prone to exclamations and outbursts such as "Mathematical!" and "Algebraic!"[4] When Finn was a baby, he was abandoned and subsequently adopted by Jake's parents, Joshua and Margaret, as detailed in "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain".[5] Considering himself a hero, Finn has a lust for adventure and swore long ago that he would help anyone in need, but being so full of energy, he has trouble in situations that require him to do tasks other than fighting.[2][5][6] After initially having an unrequited crush on Princess Bubblegum, Finn began a relationship with Flame Princess that lasted until the events of "Frost & Fire".[7][8] In "Billy's Bucket List", it is revealed that Finn's birth father, Martin, is alive, and is trapped in a dimension known as the Citadel, which is a prison for the most dangerous criminals in the Multiverse.[9] The actions of Finn and Jake, along with those of the Lich, cause Martin to be released; Finn soon learns that he is a petty criminal, and in the ensuing chaos, Finn loses his right arm,[10] but later regains it in "Breezy" only to lose it again in "Reboot" before being fitted with a mechanical arm which can transform into many different weapons.[11][12][13] The grass sword curse later re-manifests itself in the sixth-season finale, "The Comet", wherein Finn also learns that his spirit is the same as the catalyst comet.[14]

Trouble in Lumpy SpaceAdventure Time : Season 1...


Princess Bubblegum is a bubblegum humanoid, comparable to the inhabitants of the Candy Kingdom which she rules.[21] The official series website has described her as "a millionaire nerd enthusiast [who] immerses herself in every branch of geekdom".[16] She and Finn have a complex relationship. For the longest time Finn had a crush on Bubblegum, and although she cares for him a great deal, she did not return his feelings for him.[7] In the episode "What was Missing", it is implied that she and Marceline may have had some sort of relationship in the past. This later caused an online controversy over her and Marceline's sexual orientation.[22] In the second-season finale "Mortal Recoil", after being possessed by The Lich, she was accidentally shattered and returned to life as a 13-year-old due to the doctors' not having enough gum to rebuild her to her proper age, though it appears that her memories have remained intact.[23] In the episode "Too Young", she becomes 18 again by absorbing the parts sacrificed by her candy subjects in order to reclaim her kingdom from the Earl of Lemongrab.[24] After her brush with death, she has begun to feel more and more vulnerable. As a result, she created the clone-Sphinx named Goliad to serve as her heir lest she die on the throne.[25] During the fifth and sixth seasons, it was gradually revealed that Bubblegum had an elaborate spy network, allowing her to monitor nearly everyone in Ooo.[26][27] After growing increasingly darker and more devious, Bubblegum's Machiavellian actions were finally confronted by Flame Princess in "The Cooler", and since then, Bubblegum has made a concerted effort to relax her need to control everything.[26][28] In the two-part sixth-season finale, Bubblegum is peacefully deposed after the candy citizens vote to replace her with the King of Ooo (voiced by Andy Daly). Rather than fight her rival, Bubblegum willingly goes into exile with Peppermint Butler until returning to the Candy Kingdom in the aftermath of the Stakes miniseries.[14][29]

Ice King is a recurring antagonist-turned-supporting protagonist of the series, and is 1,043 years old.[42][43] The Ice King frequently steals princesses throughout Ooo to forcefully marry them, Princess Bubblegum being his usual target.[16] His ice-based magic abilities come from a magical crown he wears, which directly causes his insanity.[44] The sixth season episode "Evergreen" reveals that the crown was created millions of years prior to the start of the series by an ice elemental named Evergreen in order to stop a comet from destroying all life on the planet.[45] Though Ice King is defined as completely crazy by many, he is actually lonely and misunderstood.[16] Furthermore, he is secretly envious of Finn and Jake for being such good friends.[46] Finn and Jake learned during the events of "Holly Jolly Secrets" that the Ice King was originally a human antiquarian named Simon Petrikov who bought his crown from a dock worker in northern Scandinavia, predating the Mushroom War. Wearing the crown, Petrikov began to lose both his mind and then his fiancée Betty; this explains his subconscious need for princesses. He soon began deteriorating in both mind and body over the years into his current state.[47] Sometime before the Mushroom War he also discovered the Enchiridion. 996 years prior to the events of the series and directly after the Mushroom War, he met, befriended and cared for young Marceline. Eventually, he realized that his deteriorating mind and behavior would possibly become a threat to young Marceline. Thus, he wrote a letter to Marceline, describing why he could not help her anymore and imploring her to forgive him for whatever wrong he might do with the crown possessing him.[39]

The Earl of Lemongrab, more commonly called Lemongrab, is one of the first experiments Princess Bubblegum created that went wrong and lives in a realm also called Lemongrab.[16] Lemongrab is socially dysfunctional, and has trouble interacting with Candy Kingdom citizens due to his intolerance towards anything happy or comical.[24][87] In "Too Young," he takes over as ruler of the Candy Kingdom when Bubblegum is deemed too young after being de-aged in the events of "Mortal Recoil"; jailing most of the candy subjects before Bubblegum returns to her original age.[24] In "You Made Me," Lemongrab spies on the candy citizens while they sleep, which upsets Bubblegum as she attempts to fix him by giving him subjects to rule over. But when this fails, Bubblegum creates a clone of Lemongrab so that he has someone who understands him. Since then, the original Lemongrab has worn a black uniform, while his clone brother dons a similar white uniform.[87][88] In "All Your Fault", after Bubblegum forgot to take the instructions of creating life with her, the Lemongrabs begin making similar-minded lemon candy citizens out of the food that she sent them. Luckily, Bubblegum managed to wipe the knowledge from the Lemongrabs' minds.[88] During the events of "Another Five More Short Graybles" the original Lemongrab becomes an overweight despot after eating part of his clone brother after he accidentally broke their "child" Lemonsweets.[89] In "Too Old", Lemongrab swallows his now-crippled and repenting clone after Princess Bubblegum takes away one of their subjects, a lemon boy named Lemonhope.[90] In "Lemonhope", the eponymous lemon child overthrows Lemongrab by using his soothing music to blow the tyrant up. Soon after, Princess Bubblegum manages to graft Lemongrab back together with what remained of his clone brother and other lemon subjects caught in the explosion.[91] The sixth-season episode "The Mountain" suggests that this new Lemongrab, while still somewhat off, is a much more competent ruler.[92]

Abracadaniel is a wizard who meets Finn and Jake during the season three episode "Wizard Battle". In this episode, Abracadaniel has come to terms that he will not win, but Finn and Jake help him beat all the other contestants in order to prevent the Ice King from getting a chance to kiss Princess Bubblegum, which was the prize for winning Wizard Battle.[141] Abracadaniel returns in "Wizards Only, Fools", this time as the unwitting assistant to a group of wizards who plan to sacrifice Abracadaniel in order to advance their magical prowess.[142] Finn and Jake later invite Abracadaniel over during the events of "Play Date" in order to try to get Ice King to leave the tree fort.[143] After the events of "Play Date", it would appear that Abracadaniel and Ice King have developed some sort of friendship, judging by the fact that the two of them were instrumental in organizing the wizard road trip in "Thanks for the Crab Apples, Giuseppe".[144] 041b061a72

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